1 thing that people doesn't know about me is that I'm actually a social noob. I got Twitter & Fb account, but do I really connect to those so-called friends? Nope, I don't think so.
Online pun jarang2. Ada bb pun xde subscribe bb pakej. So, duduk je la diam2. I created my fb account simply because my friend asked me to.Twitter? I had it because of the trend. Haha. Jangan xda bak kata orang tek nak. I also bought bb cos that's in my wishlist since I'm 21. Yes, I got one already. Tapi......xde sorang pun member pakai bb jugak..so agak no point la having bbm and stuff. Pft. I will force my friends & family to buy bb also one day. So that boleh la aku bajet generasi Y. Hehe. Nak sangat layan bbm sampai muntah.
So right now, aku memang xde idea nak meracau kat fb or twitter. Status sangat la jarang aku update. Kalau update pun, aku macam invisible. My ex also keeps bashing me out in fb buatkan aku rasa menyampah nak online dah. Personally, aku lebih suka Twitter. Simple. Compact. Bold. And most importantly, I feel safe. There's no one yang boleh cakap aku itu, aku ini di Twitter. Am I right? Jangan ingat kita dah sempurna bila melihat yang lain dengan pandangan yang hina. Ok.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Monday, August 20, 2012
Think it's not too late to wish all Muslims Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri.
Here...I'm eating with all my heart out.
And makan.
The one thing I realized this eid is my mom's laksa sarawak is the best. Really! *droolling*
Here...I'm eating with all my heart out.
And makan.
The one thing I realized this eid is my mom's laksa sarawak is the best. Really! *droolling*
Thursday, August 16, 2012
We're all in the same game, just different levels. Dealing with the same hell, just different devils.
Monday, August 13, 2012
buka puasa
I went out with my girls yesterday to break fast which lead to an unexpected journey. The big plan to buka puasa together ended up with buka puasa dalam kereta cos somehow we didn't manage to get to any food court in time. Did I mention that we went in a myvi and there are seven of us in the same car?!! Yeah, true story. Muat ok. Sigh.
Before able to chillax and memenuhkan perut, we traveled in a perahu tambang (sebab park keta kat seberang sungai..huhu), arrived at Waterfront and finally had dinner in Parkson shopping complex. Bukan iftar lagi dah, tapi dinner ok. Yeah, true story also.

Before able to chillax and memenuhkan perut, we traveled in a perahu tambang (sebab park keta kat seberang sungai..huhu), arrived at Waterfront and finally had dinner in Parkson shopping complex. Bukan iftar lagi dah, tapi dinner ok. Yeah, true story also.

Rite?? Awesome! Guess betul la kot Oprah cakap "Everyone wants to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down." In my case, perahu tambang. Haha. What a beautiful life. I love my girls damn much. Xoxo.
Saturday, August 11, 2012
iklan jap
Sangat annoying ok iklan tu.
The secret facelift blablabla ads.
Yup, that one la.
Suma website benda alah tu mesti nak kena ada.
Header, footer, sidebar.
Aku annoyed sampai xde hati nak tekan.
Nak muntah dah tengok.
Moral of the story?
Sometimes ads can be annoying.
Especially to those yang bukan target market diorang, macam aku.
Apa kaitan aku dengan iklan yang super annoying tu?
Duh. Whatever.
The secret facelift blablabla ads.
Yup, that one la.
Suma website benda alah tu mesti nak kena ada.
Header, footer, sidebar.
Aku annoyed sampai xde hati nak tekan.
Nak muntah dah tengok.
Moral of the story?
Sometimes ads can be annoying.
Especially to those yang bukan target market diorang, macam aku.
Apa kaitan aku dengan iklan yang super annoying tu?
Duh. Whatever.
Bengang. Upset. Today is not a good day eh? There's so much things going on in my life. Kalau benda2 best xpe la jugak, boleh la keep on smiling. Flying in the air punya mode. Tapi, kenyataan nya??? Hampa...oh no!
Things didn't go my way- again. Someone, please save my soul. I need inspiration right now.
Facebook, done! Nothing interesting.
Twitter, checked! Not inspired enough.
Gossips? Beautifulnara, Ohbulan, Rotikaya...done. Aren't helping at all!
Friends?? Nope. I'm not in the mood to socialize & laugh at stupid jokes. Pftt.
Boyfriend?? ...
He's one of the reasons why my Saturday is not a happy one. FAILED!
Oh ya. You know I pray days & nights, did everything I can just to undone things that happened between me and my bf. And yes. We're an item again. I'm grateful until we keeps argue over some stupid issues. That is when all of this 'bengang and upset' took place. Huh.

Youtube. Tiba2 teringat aritu ngan Got to Dance Uk 3 final stage and my jaws dropped watching Tayluer & Elliot's performance. Touched. Inspired. Goosebumps. That's what I felt watching those dancing fairies. Guess I need that kind of inspiration right now to save my Happy Saturday. Dahla. Aku ok. Kbai.
Facebook, done! Nothing interesting.
Twitter, checked! Not inspired enough.
Gossips? Beautifulnara, Ohbulan, Rotikaya...done. Aren't helping at all!
Friends?? Nope. I'm not in the mood to socialize & laugh at stupid jokes. Pftt.
Boyfriend?? ...
Oh ya. You know I pray days & nights, did everything I can just to undone things that happened between me and my bf. And yes. We're an item again. I'm grateful until we keeps argue over some stupid issues. That is when all of this 'bengang and upset' took place. Huh.
Youtube. Tiba2 teringat aritu ngan Got to Dance Uk 3 final stage and my jaws dropped watching Tayluer & Elliot's performance. Touched. Inspired. Goosebumps. That's what I felt watching those dancing fairies. Guess I need that kind of inspiration right now to save my Happy Saturday. Dahla. Aku ok. Kbai.
Monday, August 6, 2012
crave for blog tutorials
Like seriously, blog aku nih dah banyak kali tukar template. Don't ask me why sebab dah sah2 aku memang cepat bosan. There will be a time aku rajin sangat online, blogwalking & update blog aku...ubah sana sini part yang nampak too simple (konon nak blog nampak comel & adorable).
But, yes, I am a virtual freak yang crave dengan blog tutorials. Eventhough there's nothing interesting in this blog, yet, I still want it to look nice in my eyes. Sebab nih page aku, so sukati aku la kan. Haha.
Till then, I will look forward to many more superb tutorials yang boleh aku apply kan kat blog aku nih. And here, this one is so far the best blog tutor for me. She's awesome...and beautiful too.
But, yes, I am a virtual freak yang crave dengan blog tutorials. Eventhough there's nothing interesting in this blog, yet, I still want it to look nice in my eyes. Sebab nih page aku, so sukati aku la kan. Haha.
Till then, I will look forward to many more superb tutorials yang boleh aku apply kan kat blog aku nih. And here, this one is so far the best blog tutor for me. She's awesome...and beautiful too.
Saturday, August 4, 2012
amazing spiderman
Dah lama nak blog pasal Amazing Spiderman sebab aritu pegi late nite movies dengan bffs aku. The movie was awesome. Definitely a winner bagi aku yang jarang pegi panggung even sebelum ni aku brag pasal The Avengers. Hey, people change. Haha. Ok, so you know what's the most amazing about this 2012 Spiderman version for me?
Nampak effort di situ dowh. Bukankah dia nampak juicy di situ? Haha.
JK. I really love this version of spiderman. It's waaaayyyyyy better than the old ones. Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker? Dem, dia hot ok.
Move over Tobey.
Aku harap ada sequel & boleh tengok dia gayut2 lagi. :)
I'm a not-so-positive-person since ages. And somehow, I'm kinda crave for quotes & sayings that make me have some piece of positive mind, especially when I realize sometimes life's beyond my fairytale fantasies. When life gives you lemons...make lemonade...yeah, something like that. Pftt.
Demm. These helps for now I think sebab aku sesak dah nih.
"We are always looking for something better that we sometimes fail to realize that we already have the best."
"Never let any of your fears or insecurities stop you from living your life."
"Being single doesn't mean you're not too good to be with the right one, it means you're just too good to be with the wrong one."
"Life is good, life is great. Always love & never hate. Break the rules, stand apart. Ignore your head and follow your heart."
Demm. These helps for now I think sebab aku sesak dah nih.
"We are always looking for something better that we sometimes fail to realize that we already have the best."
"Never let any of your fears or insecurities stop you from living your life."
"Being single doesn't mean you're not too good to be with the right one, it means you're just too good to be with the wrong one."
"Life is good, life is great. Always love & never hate. Break the rules, stand apart. Ignore your head and follow your heart."
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