Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Resolutions? Please.

Happy New Year everyone!

Still recycle azam ke? Masih lagi nak bring froward azam 2013 yang non hado tu?

Ughhh. Please. Boring.

Mine? I just wanna give back. Do deeds. A lot. 2013 was really the year of hardship for me. It started well. Tapi bila masuk je February, I cried almost every night! Serious. Too much things happened. Aku tak boleh nak balance life aku. Being a drama queen also did not help at all. Gah!

Along the way, I found myself. Like what I wanna do in my life. What I want...stuff like that. I did found so many great people along the way too. And the rest is history. I have great bestfriends now. I love them to death!


Bring it on 2014! I'm stronger now. :)

Monday, September 30, 2013

cooking and me


Yes, that's one of many things I definitely not good at. This is embarassing. Arghh. All my girls know how to cook, at least at one great dish. And I was like,"Wow...the best dish of all time. Hebat!". Bajet kagum giler. Padahal cooking is just as simple as... Nah. I'm kidding. Cooking is hard for me!

Bila tengok orang lain masak siap post bagai di facebook, aku sentap. Show off betul diorang ni. Haha. That's obviously my jealousy speaking! Truth is, I will always adore them,and will always be this envious person. Mau tak gelabah, ko dah besar panjang pun masih tak reti nak masak. I bet my bf is the unluckiest guy alive now. Poor u, man. My symphaties. Wuwuwu.

Apart of all that, I am now learning how to cook. Dan aku boleh gerenti kalau ada kelas masakan, I will be the first person to sign up. Gila desperate nak belajar masak. Ke desperate nak kahwin? Haha. Both I guess. Now, bangun pagi je terus online cari resepi, terus masak. Not bad lah aku masak. Sedap jugak kat tekak aku.*flip hair*

So sekurang- kurangnya aku tahu aku tak terlambat lagi nak belajar semua tu. In 2 years time, hopefully aku dah master lots of dish. Ok.

Cooking time!

Ps: And in the mean time, please do not gain anymore weight! Reminder to self.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

mastering your walk

For all ladies yang baru nak hidup dengan heels, this vid might be helpful. Thanks a lot Michelle Phan!

Such a guide for me too. Lepas ni diharap tidak akan berjalan dengan awkward lagi. Bhahaha.

Watch this!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

(sometimes) being negative is okay

I have some thoughts that will make some people to disagree with me. Phew. Okay..

Aritu, waktu aku tengah online,jumpa lah satu link review tentang satu produk ni. And surprisingly, because of these negative reviews, orang2 kita ni bertekak dalam facebook. People are saying that the reviews are meant to tutup periuk nasik orang yang berniaga. And yeah, that's how our mind works these days. Baru cakap sikit, dah guna word tutup rezeki orang, hasad dengki and so on blablablabla. Nonsense!

For me la kan, buat review is a common thing. Buat positif review bagus. Buat negative review pun tak salah at all. Sebab bila ada some people yang buat negative review, itu secara tak langsung akan bantu customer2 lain buat pilihan yang terbaik bagi diri mereka samada nak pilih produk A atau B. Orang2 yang berniaga ni pulak tak payah la kot nak sentap bagai. Sebab bagi aku, sebagai penjual ko sepatutnya tahu barang yang ko jual tu..i mean the strength of your product. Orang takkan nak buang masa la nak tutup periuk nasik ko pun. Insecure much ha? Buang masa je semua tu.

Kalau nak berniaga, buat betul2. Do your own research about the product, cosmetics especially. Perlu tahu bahan2 yang digunakan dalam produk yang ko nak jual tu. Know all the long term effects if digunakan secara berterusan. Sebab ada sesetengah produk yang tengah hot sekarang, aku noticed ada gunakan bahan yang dilarang; yang boleh akibatkan kanser kulit as its long term effect. I'm not mentioning any name..yet. Gahhh. And that's why aku agak heran la if penjual ni cepat je nak sentap bila adanya review2 negatif pasal produk yang diorang jual tu. Fakta kot nak sentap pehal weh. Kalau review positif cepat je ko nak hebahkan. Yang negatif ko boleh pulak maki hamun orang tu balik. Apsal ko tak pegi maki je KKM semua tu kan. Fuuuu.

Sometimes, people who wrote negative about a thing, wasn't meant negative at all. They write facts which some people are refused to admit. *facepalm.

Aku xleh nak nasihatkan penjual sebab diorang ni selalunya determined nak capai visi & misi diorang. They won't listen. And they might bashed me later. Haha.

Hmmm.. dahla. I don't know what else to say to you guys. People nowadays ha. They drive you crazy. Haha.

So guys, be a knowledgeable customer yah. Think wisely and know your rights.

Till next time. Peace.

Ps: This is just my opinion after all. Don't mind me. I'm crazy. Haha.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Last nite, having iftar with my besties. Compared to last year, this time around Ein cooked for us. Masakan yang sangat superb & boleh kahwin esok terus. Haha.

Eventhough this year xda nya lah nak buffet bagai, but it was such a great moment to remember. We had so much laugh...hilang stress aku.

Oh how i love these girls. Wuwuwuwu.

Tapi sebab makan kat rumah jak, xdalah mok dress up bagai. Siap pake seluar tracksuit gik la kawan aku.


Not a single pictures taken. Rugi. Huh.


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