Yes, that's one of many things I definitely not good at. This is embarassing. Arghh. All my girls know how to cook, at least at one great dish. And I was like,"Wow...the best dish of all time. Hebat!". Bajet kagum giler. Padahal cooking is just as simple as... Nah. I'm kidding. Cooking is hard for me!
Bila tengok orang lain masak siap post bagai di facebook, aku sentap. Show off betul diorang ni. Haha. That's obviously my jealousy speaking! Truth is, I will always adore them,and will always be this envious person. Mau tak gelabah, ko dah besar panjang pun masih tak reti nak masak. I bet my bf is the unluckiest guy alive now. Poor u, man. My symphaties. Wuwuwu.
Apart of all that, I am now learning how to cook. Dan aku boleh gerenti kalau ada kelas masakan, I will be the first person to sign up. Gila desperate nak belajar masak. Ke desperate nak kahwin? Haha. Both I guess. Now, bangun pagi je terus online cari resepi, terus masak. Not bad lah aku masak. Sedap jugak kat tekak aku.*flip hair*
So sekurang- kurangnya aku tahu aku tak terlambat lagi nak belajar semua tu. In 2 years time, hopefully aku dah master lots of dish. Ok.
Cooking time!
Ps: And in the mean time, please do not gain anymore weight! Reminder to self.