Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, December 8, 2012

pure marine collagen

Lately, one of my friends keeps promoting pure marine collagen to me. Setelah aku mendengar keberhasilan benda alah nie, dan agak2 aku terpengaruh la dengan all the magical stories aka testimoni pengguna2 lain, so aku decide nak try la jugak. Mana tau kot2 boleh jadi gorjes...magic gitu. Hahaha. Healthier skin, happier me. Aha, tagline siap! Kali ni nak research pasal pure marine collagen ok. Antara benefits collagen adalah menegang, menghalus dan melicinkan kulit yang menjadi penarik utama aku try benda ni selain dari benefits dari aspek kesihatan, of course la kan

But, hey, I'm not gonna write much about all those info. Google sendiri la ek. So motif tulis kat blog? As my own reference la. Blog aku, kannnnn. Last but not least, jom bersama2 ke arah kesihatan yang optimum. Pftt.

*ha...letak pic satu... PURE MARINE COLLAGEN. Sumber: Google.

turning 24

December 6th was my 24th birthday. Looking back on how my life as a 24-year-old should be, I think I'm still a little child inside. Haha. Can't never grow up, ha? I'm not a very successful person either, yet, I don't have any serious commitment aside from living the way I am now. I'm grateful to be alive, nuff said. The only thing I hoped for is that semoga segalanya dipermudahkan olehNya. Amin.

ps: Umo 30 aku nak kek bday 8 tingkat pulak. Set. :)

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