Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, February 17, 2013


Hey! Happy New Year. I know I'm late. Sangat lambat wish. This is my first entry for 2013..and now it's already February. Damn. Sangat malas aku nak meracau kat dalam nih. Haha. New year aritu, sempat la jugak aku buat new resolutions. New year...new resolutions. And new beginning also. I'm already working now & making my own ka-ching! :)

For this 2013, I'm trying to not bother posting about my relationship matters. Since that one bad thing happened to me this early February, kinda force me to question all over again about this whole bullshit. Yes, bullshit. So tired to be me........................................

Until then, be happy living! And stop bitching others. Faham.

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