Okay, I'm suck! Damn me being lovey-dovey suddenly. Whooaaaaa~
*blushing jap*
Erm...this entry is about a man. Someone who means a lot to me. Er....no, he's not my boyfriend. Hahaha. (This is just my way to say I'm single without being pathetic...LOL)
He is a man with a kind heart, responsible, charming, always giving his best in everything, undeniably smart, funny, have a strong positive vibe, caring, romantic and the list going on and on and on...(eleh, kalau dah suka tu mmg camnila kannnn...). He's definitely passed my qualifications for a perfect man.
Tapi - however - walaubagaimanapun, he's a real player! Yeah, at first sight pun memang dah terserlah keplayeran kamu. What to do kann...I have a strong heart to mind enough it being broken again. I take risks loving him, eventhough I know we'll never be together pun. As long as I'm sincere, I think Allah will be with me. Huhuhu. Ikhlas tu penting bhaiiii... The "ikhlas" me said it's okay if he never loves me back. People come and go. And even your loved ones pun, one day they will leave you. So do this man.
*terlanjur cinta mode...huhuhu*