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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Random Thoughts #1 - Kekasih gelap

I know someone who is right now "living" this kind of relationship (zip it!!!...). And most of people out there going through the same thing.

I'm not here to judge them, but, since I had been in a broken family for almost half of my life, I'm here just to share my thoughts. Random thoughts la sangggattt kannnn ;)

Kekasih gelap is a big no-no. I pun bukan la baik sangat since I pun pernah jadi pihak ketiga. Hehehe. But, at least, I never experienced being in love with someone's husband! Lagi simpang malaikat 44. I just don't understand why people keeps hurting other people. Why people keeps sabotaging others' lives. Tak boleh ke ambik sorang satu..sume dapat ea, tak payah berebut2. Hahaha. LOL.

Come on. Audience, highlight my words: HE'S TAKEN, GIRL! Move. On. Please.

It's not appropriate to cry for someone's happiness, bila dah sah2 la ko jeles kan, watching him with his beautiful family. The wife is happy when her husband's around. Makan pun suap2. Ambik gambar pose ala2 wedding of da year. Belai2 rambut. Manja2. Tetttt. Tetttt. Tettt. Wah, so sweet dowh. Pffftt.

See how this girl yang fool in love ni giving advises (aku la tu~)...hahaha. Man who's willing to abandon his family, who's willing to redah lautan bara api because of his unresolved issues or even lust, sangat tidak bagus. Later, he will abandon you too. You're hurting many people in this process of "rebut2 kawasan" nie. What goes around comes around la kan. Pity yourself. If you really want him, pursue him in a right and fair way. POLIGAMI YANG HARMONI. Full stop.

My dad left for other woman. Believe me, it's hurt-hard-annoying-miserable growing up without having a father figure. I remember saw my friend's beautiful family from afar and cried so hard (dalam ati la, malu kot besa2 pun nangis..uwaaaa). Tengok, kan dah tacing. T_T

....Do not fuck others' life. Peace.

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