Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, July 21, 2012


To all Muslims out there,


Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w:
“Telah tiba kepada kamu bulan Ramadan, iaitu bulan yang penuh keberkatan. ALLAH telah mewajibkan ke atas kamu agar berpuasa pada bulan itu.” ­- Hadis riwayat Imam Ahmad di dalam Musnadnya , hadis no: 9133.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Reply to those excuses. LAME!

Most Muslim girls yang free hair cakap, "kalau bertudung tapi tak ikhlas, tak guna juga."
Er, really? I don't know. Siapalah kita untuk judge.

However, for me this comment wins! *tersentap sendiri*

Okay. But, then again...

Nuff said. Haha. Sibuk hal dosa aku sendiri sudah. :)

Thanks Ustaz Azhar Idrus. I adore you.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Cons of blog walking

Tadi, sengaja je aku blog walking. Nak carik blog yang ada tutorial nak bagi mantap blog aku ni. Mantap di sini maksudnya seiring dengan usia tua aku ye. Mantap yang boleh bagi aku rajin keje2 update nih. Hahaha. Bukan comel yang siap ada bling2, kelip2 berterbangan, marquee sini and sana tu tau. Then, terjumpa la satu blog ni. Wah, sangat canteeekkkkk and terbaeeeekkk punya. Huhuhu. Jeles dowh. Aku yang siap study coding2 programming dulu pun tak seexpert tu. Hmmm.

Pastu jumpa blog yang ada madah2 cinta, jiwang2 punya type.
Bahagianya mereka ea. Teringat eh ngan nya. Hampeh! Close tab cepat2.
Kali ni jeles & upset. Aiyooo...

Done. Tak nak dah blog walking!

If it's not meant to be, then it's not meant to be. I know!

Another breakup prove I'm not even close to be the luckiest girl alive. Fuck love. I'm kinda hate to be myself right now. Pathetic! Is there any good and wise man left out there for me? Sebab mostly spesis lelaki baik semuanya taken already. Hampeh. Beruntung lah sesiapa yang dah jumpa their own other half. Sumpah, aku takkan kacau hak orang.

I wrote about him in the blog, bragged like I've found the one. Nah. He's apparently not created for me. We had so much fun together and I really thought this will last at least for a year. We want different things in life and somehow we're just completely two different persons. I like myself when I was with him. Until at some point, I keep wanting more. Like seriously, is this the end of us?? Obviously I blame myself for this breakup. I am a hard-to-please bitch. Rare spesis aku ni. What to do kannnnn. Even so, he finally called it off. I'm losing my boyfriend - again! Baru aku faham maksud lagu Ombak Rindu tu. Pfttt.

Ironinya, aku yang frust gila *lap2 air mata*. Cliche dowh aku mopping around when people left me. It's just the thing that I know how to do best whenever life fucked me harder. :'(
I know I'm stupid enough waiting for him.
Hush! Keep your thoughts to yourself, smart people. I'm literally dying here!


...    *speechless*   ...

God, I know I've been asking a lot - way a lot - from You. I'm sorry I just find You when I'm in a mess. I'm sorry for not being a good person. But then again, I keep seeking You asking for more. God, please protect him. Keep him away from fake and untrue people. Bless him with good health and true happiness. If he's not for me, please throw this feelings away from my heart. But if there's still a bit love for me inside his heart, please bring back those feelings just as strong as it used to be. I know I'm asking a lot now. I know if it's not meant to be, then it's not meant to be. I just have faith in You. Nuff said. Amin.

"I'm wanted by some. I'm taken by none. I'm looking at many, but I will wait for one."

Monday, July 16, 2012


Introvert tu apa? Kalau xsilap, introvert ni adalah scientific name for those yang suka menyendiri i.e have their own inner world of mind. Quite reflected me I guess. Heheh. Tapi, aku pretty sure aku bukan introvert dowh. Well, hey...born as a Sagittarius is definitely loud, cheerful and berdiam diri dalam dunia sendiri is a no-no. Kalau ada Sagittarius cakap dia introvert, trust me..they might lied. Kan ada saying cakap "Never trust a Sagittarius". Well said, peeps. Huh. Eventhough aku believed aku ada ciri2 introvert sebab aku maybe adopted those qualities secara tidak sengaja (hahaha), I'm just not one of them.

Anyway, here's something that I'd like to share about introverts:

1) Introverts are not shy or anti-social.
2) Tend to dislike small talk.
3) Have different manners of socializing.
4) Need time alone to recharge.
5) Socially well-adjusted.

Visit this page to know more about introverts. Takkan la kau expect aku tulis panjang lebar pasal ni dalam page aku kot? Duh.

Monday, July 9, 2012


Life is insane, memang selalunya macam tu la kan? Pftt. Kalau tak insane, xthrill la kot. Haha. I'm not saying that life should be hard to some people. I know our life should be better. Kan banyak peribahasa Melayu yang sentuh pasal hidup ni. Should we just embrace that instead of being negative, am I right? Duh, I'm not sure either. Susah nak instill dalam diri supaya sentiasa berfikiran super positif.

Aku dah sah-sah la envy ngan orang yang selalu positif ni. Diorang selalu nampak kebaikan je, yang negatif diorang tolak tepi. Tapi bagi aku, this is what I called insane. Aku selalu je berfikiran negatif. I just can't help it. Hehe.Sebab tu la kot Allah bagi kesukaran dan dugaan kat aku. Dia hanya nak menguji. Dah memang kerja Dia la kan? I'm grateful for what He had given me.How to save my own soul then? Memang la the most correct answer is doing spiritual stuff like baca Quran, pray, berzikir and so on. I know! Other than perkara-perkara yang dilisted out kat atas, my friends mostly turn to Youtube and social networks. WIN! Is this how to save one's soul in this hi-tech century? Haha.

ps: Check out this lyric vid.


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