Introvert tu apa? Kalau xsilap, introvert ni adalah scientific name for those yang suka menyendiri i.e have their own inner world of mind. Quite reflected me I guess. Heheh. Tapi, aku pretty sure aku bukan introvert dowh. Well, hey...born as a Sagittarius is definitely loud, cheerful and berdiam diri dalam dunia sendiri is a no-no. Kalau ada Sagittarius cakap dia introvert, trust me..they might lied. Kan ada saying cakap "Never trust a Sagittarius". Well said, peeps. Huh. Eventhough aku believed aku ada ciri2 introvert sebab aku maybe adopted those qualities secara tidak sengaja (hahaha), I'm just not one of them.
Anyway, here's something that I'd like to share about introverts:
1) Introverts are not shy or anti-social.
2) Tend to dislike small talk.
3) Have different manners of socializing.
4) Need time alone to recharge.
5) Socially well-adjusted.
Visit this page to know more about introverts. Takkan la kau expect aku tulis panjang lebar pasal ni dalam page aku kot? Duh.