Aku dah sah-sah la envy ngan orang yang selalu positif ni. Diorang selalu nampak kebaikan je, yang negatif diorang tolak tepi. Tapi bagi aku, this is what I called insane. Aku selalu je berfikiran negatif. I just can't help it. Hehe.Sebab tu la kot Allah bagi kesukaran dan dugaan kat aku. Dia hanya nak menguji. Dah memang kerja Dia la kan? I'm grateful for what He had given me.How to save my own soul then? Memang la the most correct answer is doing spiritual stuff like baca Quran, pray, berzikir and so on. I know! Other than perkara-perkara yang dilisted out kat atas, my friends mostly turn to Youtube and social networks. WIN! Is this how to save one's soul in this hi-tech century? Haha.
ps: Check out this lyric vid.