Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

If it's not meant to be, then it's not meant to be. I know!

Another breakup prove I'm not even close to be the luckiest girl alive. Fuck love. I'm kinda hate to be myself right now. Pathetic! Is there any good and wise man left out there for me? Sebab mostly spesis lelaki baik semuanya taken already. Hampeh. Beruntung lah sesiapa yang dah jumpa their own other half. Sumpah, aku takkan kacau hak orang.

I wrote about him in the blog, bragged like I've found the one. Nah. He's apparently not created for me. We had so much fun together and I really thought this will last at least for a year. We want different things in life and somehow we're just completely two different persons. I like myself when I was with him. Until at some point, I keep wanting more. Like seriously, is this the end of us?? Obviously I blame myself for this breakup. I am a hard-to-please bitch. Rare spesis aku ni. What to do kannnnn. Even so, he finally called it off. I'm losing my boyfriend - again! Baru aku faham maksud lagu Ombak Rindu tu. Pfttt.

Ironinya, aku yang frust gila *lap2 air mata*. Cliche dowh aku mopping around when people left me. It's just the thing that I know how to do best whenever life fucked me harder. :'(
I know I'm stupid enough waiting for him.
Hush! Keep your thoughts to yourself, smart people. I'm literally dying here!


...    *speechless*   ...

God, I know I've been asking a lot - way a lot - from You. I'm sorry I just find You when I'm in a mess. I'm sorry for not being a good person. But then again, I keep seeking You asking for more. God, please protect him. Keep him away from fake and untrue people. Bless him with good health and true happiness. If he's not for me, please throw this feelings away from my heart. But if there's still a bit love for me inside his heart, please bring back those feelings just as strong as it used to be. I know I'm asking a lot now. I know if it's not meant to be, then it's not meant to be. I just have faith in You. Nuff said. Amin.

"I'm wanted by some. I'm taken by none. I'm looking at many, but I will wait for one."

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