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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

my skin is...

I have oily and ance-prone skin. That's why I have to be careful when it comes to skincare & cosmetic products. Tak semua produk kita boleh belasah je. Contoh, dulu aku try macam2 produk, konon nya nak cari yang paling sesuai. Last2, ambik kau...muka aku ni dah macam bahan uji kaji dah...pimple scars  are all over the place. Heh. Then I tried Oxy products, and it somehow cured my acne problems. Okay la jugak sebab scar tu dah hilang. And since I'm in my mid of 20s right now, I'm kinda scared of wrinkles & mula mementingkan healthy skin. Nak muka sentiasa awet muda gitu macam Rozita Che Wan. Hampeh. Haha. So I cross Oxy out. I tried different types of product. At first, try Bio-essence Tanaka White sebab kawan aku cakap muka dia jadi lembut, pori2 pun dah xnampak, halus, dan yang paling penting, aku nampak muka dia macam glowing...tegang semacam je. Huhu..tu yang aku gatal nak try jugak. Biasa la, perempuan. Tapi, the result kat aku macam tak berkesan sangat. Ala, xsesuai la tu. Now, I'm using ZA Total Hydration range. Macam ok je. I hope so. Sales assistant kat kedai tu pun cakap produk ni sesuai ngan skin type aku. Ntah ya ntah tidak. Tengok je la nanti. If it doesn't work out, I will just have to ban ZA too. Fuuuu.


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