Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, December 26, 2011

Thank you

Wah...this christmas was meaningful to me. Alamak, ayat xbleh blah. Sorry, it's not that I've celebrated it. But, more like things happened coincidentally. On 25th December. *senyum sampai telinga* Hehehe.

Kitak, I love you so much. Thanks for saying those meaningful words to me. I appreciate them even kita xcouple pun. Thanks jugak sebab kau selalu ada. Ala, macam lagu Hujan tu. Eh no. Now I listen to Carta Hati by Najwa Latif. The song for you. Perfect.

When I met you, it's like a fairytale to me. You're just so perfect eventhough you never said you are. But for me, this is perfection. This is what I always want. You. Damn, I know this will hurt me some day. Why I'm being so strong padahal cepat je sentap. Hahaha.


Before I thank him, I should thank my dearest Allah la kan. Wei, damn me. Lupa pulak pada yang satu. Ya Allah, thank you for making him mine, even this is just for a while. Thanks for giving me a strong heart for loving someone who is impossible to love me back. I'm sorry if I only turn to you when I'm in a mess. It's not that I ever forget my creator. I know, no excuses. What a lousy hamba am I. T_T #Hopes and dreams.

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