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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Wrigley's moments

My friends and I went to Giant this evening, and after had our lunch, we went into the supermarket to do some food shopping. I bought a lot of stuff till my trolley had a bunch of things that might not be needed at all. Haha..am I a great shopper? Um..nah. At the counter, this funny thing happened. And embarrassing as well. *palms on my face*

"Aku rasa macam nak makan something sweet la. Sweets? Ke chocolate?"
"Chewing gums better. Ingat tak iklan dalam tv tu. Yang macam sedap sangat tu."
"Ooo..ok. That gums ar?"
"Ada kat kaunter. Later kita tengok."

Arrived at the counter, tengok chewing gum. Pilih satu. Defak...price tag takde pulak. So I asked one of my friends to check the price. Guess what, later, she screamed at me yang at that time berada sangat la jauh from her:

"Yang ni RM 7.99. Yang kecik ni pulak RM 3.99. Mana best wei?"

-____- *Damn, xbleh kuat lagi ke babe, holding my anger*

At that time pun, there were so many people looking at us. Weird stare.

Behind me was a married couple with children. Again, weird + annoying + cyclop laser stare. Sambil bisik- bisik. They looked at us like we did any wrong. I thought they're going to place their palms at their children's ears and eyes. Trying to protect the kids innocence. Duh. They picked the same chewing gums at the counter, belek- belek, jeling- jeling. Wth.

Serious shit. They thought we buy condoms la tu. Why, ha. Asal placed kat kaunter je, kondom eh kak? Asal packaging cantik, kotak kecik, kaler itam je, kondom ke?? Tengok, kan dah malu sendiri. I just passed the couple - sambil buat- buat muka puas dapat beli "kondom" la kannn - and paid for my things. Jeling sebelum keluar. Funny.

Misunderstood much??

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